Christmas Deliveries

We will be working hard to make sure your deliveries are processed and shipped for you in time for Christmas! 

We are closed from the 23rd December to the 3rd January 2023. During this time, we will be unable to answer any queries or process/ship any orders. 

If you would like to receive delivery before Christmas, please ensure that your order is placed by Monday 16th December. 

In the event that your order placed by the 16th of December has items we cannot fulfil, we will contact you. 

When we return on the 3rd of January, we will process any orders placed during our closed period and we will ship them out for delivery as soon as possible. 

Trade customers who place orders via our website will be contacted with our closing information to ensure their orders are placed to last them over the holiday period. 

Thank you for your support during 2022, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!